Engage in the Student Community!
Student life at Capilano University is much more than just attending classes!
Student life at
Capilano University is much more than just attending classes. To help international students upgrade their English, the
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) department offers EAP, EAP Plus, and Pathway Programs. Unique to all of them is
Community Engagement (CE).
Community Engagement encourages students to become involved in every facet of campus life. They volunteer at the "Explore Cap U" recruitment events, participate in the Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt, and help staff during the intramural basketball and volleyball games at our Sportsplex.
Recently, Capilano U students volunteered at the Chinatown spring parade and the Diwali festival. The volunteers helped with crowd control, prepared treats, responded to questions from the public, and served as ambassadors for these special events.
Collingwood Neighbourhood House operates a breakfast program for the homeless, and every Saturday, Capilano U students help prepare and serve breakfast, interact with the guests, and then clean up afterward. Canucks Autism Network regularly invites our students to produce educational materials for children with autism; the materials are sent to various schools throughout BC. This May, at the Heart and Stroke Foundation's Big Bike ride, Capilano U students will be working as volunteers, riding the Big Bike, and cheering on their classmates.
By studying in our EAP,
EAP Plus, or
Pathway Programs, our students improve their English language skills, and by participating in
Community Engagement activities, they experience an important and much valued part of Canadian culture: the spirit of volunteerism.
Indeed, student life at Capilano U is much more than attending classes. Through
Community Engagement, our students improve their English, make friends, interact with Canadians, enrich their lives, establish networks for their future careers, and grow their community. At Capilano U, our students learn that we create a better community when we all engage.