Introducing New Peer-Led Mental Health Program at OCAD University

By OCAD University Modified on July 17, 2024
Tags : Campus Life | Health and Wellness

OCAD U's new mental health program set to launch September 2024 thanks to funding from the McCall MacBain Foundation.

 Introducing New Peer-Led Mental Health Program at OCAD University

OCAD University is thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to prioritize student mental health and well-being. Generously supported by strategic funding from the McCall MacBain Foundation, we are proud to unveil an all-new peer-led mental health program at OCAD U. The official name of the program will be developed alongside students through focus groups and consultations taking place in the coming months.

This peer-led initiative will empower students to co-create wellness programming that enhances mental health and builds community resilience among emerging creative artists and designers. Rooted in co-design and peer-to-peer support, the outcomes of this program will lay the foundation for scaling and strengthening community resilience at OCAD University. The program’s implementation will also provide an opportunity for other campuses across Canada to learn from and replicate the approach to not only broaden but also amplify the positive impact of collective wellness programs.

Empowering students academically and personally

Students seek increasingly flexible and low-barrier health and well-being programs, created with them rather than for them. Building on key insights from the Mindful Campus program piloted in early 2023 and supported by Public Health Canada, we leveraged OCAD U’s distinctive identity as a hub of creativity, exploration, and innovation to design a new program that centres co-created, tailored solutions, led by trained peers.

This new funding from the McCall MacBain Foundation will help shape student experience initiatives that address the key root causes of anxiety, depression, and poor mental health and provide better support for those with greater needs or lesser access to resources. The program will make a significant difference in the lives of students and empower them to thrive both academically and personally.

This program is built on our shared vision with the McCall MacBain Foundation to create models for student-led mental health initiatives in a post-pandemic world,” says Ana Serrano, OCAD U’s President and Vice-Chancellor. “We are grateful for this partnership that enables us to further our commitment to the health and well-being of our students and underscores the lasting impact philanthropy has on the OCAD U community.”

OCAD U’s new peer-led mental health program

Launching in September 2024, the program aligns seamlessly with OCAD U’s long-term strategic plan to centre the student journey by increasing wellness support options. The program will include a variety of initiatives, including:

  • Peer designed, developed, and led workshops and activities that support social connection and community building through an art and design lens, nature engagement, drop-in spaces, and more.
  • Building a network of trained and supported peers who can provide informal one-on-one and group support that connect students experiencing social isolation to appropriate supports and activities on campus.
  • The creation of a student-led mental health mobile response team that will provide peer-based support for students experiencing non-urgent concerns.
  • Opportunities for student involvement with updating and disseminating the Supporting Students in Distress protocol and facilitating training across the institution.

These activities will be managed by an advisory group co-led by students and OCAD U staff. The program will prioritize the participation of students from a range of backgrounds, including but not limited to those who are Indigenous, Black and People of Colour, students from the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, those with disabilities, and international students.

“Together, with the support of the McCall MacBain Foundation and the dedication of our OCAD U community, we look forward to the positive impact this project will have in supporting the holistic well-being of students as they navigate their creative journey and beyond,” says Jennifer Robinson, OCAD U’s Dean of Students.

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