Travelling on a Budget

By TalentEgg Student and New Grad Careers Modified on June 24, 2024
Tags : Arts & Culture | Money | Travel

Check out these tips for how you can save money while on vacation.

 Travelling on a Budget

We all love to travel. Even though it can be very expensive, there’s no reason why costs should diminish all your ability to have fun! There are many tips and tricks on how to travel for cheaper while still having a five-star experience. So, we have rounded up our favourite tips for you all. Pack your bags because we’re going on a jam-packed journey!

Take free tours or classes

In most cities, you’ll find lots of free classes or walking tours. Typically you might have to give a small tip at the end, but it’s a fraction of what you would have paid otherwise. These classes and tours are always taught by locals, so you can ask them for good recommendations to experience the true heart of the country.

Watch out for tourist traps

It can be easier to just go out on the main street, but if you take the extra effort to walk just five minutes away from it, you can find cool side streets that have far more traditional and cultural options for a fraction of the price! Don’t be afraid to ask the locals where the best places are.

Keep it light

Odds are you don’t need that 20kg suitcase or nineteen pairs of shorts. Airlines typically allow you to bring hand luggage on for free, and you’d be amazed at what you can fit into a good carry on. So what if you wear the same top twice — now you can afford a more expensive excursion (or a really nice dinner)!

Research, research, research

We all love the idea of a spontaneous trip, but it really helps to dedicate an hour or so to research. Compare a few different hotel prices. See if you can take a train instead of a plane. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you find savings with such little effort.

Taxi anyone?

When travelling, transportation costs are typically the highest investment. It can be very tempting just to hail a cab when you’re tired, but you’ll save a lot if you use public transport. Most cities have a great bus, train, and subway systems that can get you where you need to be at a fraction of the price.

Free attractions

It’s not just tours that can free, but a lot of attractions too. Many museums or concert halls offer periods where anyone can go and soak up the culture for free! If you’re still a student, a lot of places offer reduced student discounts or free entry, so remember to pack your student card!

Planning ahead and keeping these tips in mind will help you enjoy your holiday travels instead of worrying about your budget all the time. Safe travels!

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