Political Science is concerned with the study of the political actors, institutions and processes that affect our daily lives. A healthy democracy requires an understanding of how governments work, how decisions are made, and the input that we as ordinary citizens can have in shaping our community. At the same time, studying political science also helps us understand the world around us, and some of the global events and forces that shape politics in Canada and at the international level.
Courses range from the basic Fundamentals of Politics to more advanced options in four general fields of study: first, Canadian politics, including, among others, several courses at the national, provincial and local levels; second, Comparative Politics, including U.S., European, Russian, Middle East and the Developing World; third, International Politics, including Canada in World Politics, the United Nations, and Gender, War and Peace; fourth, Political Theory, including Political Thought, Democracy and Democratization and Women in Politics. We also offer courses in World Peace, International Law and Canadian Constitutional Law.