Anthropology Bachelor; HonoursAnthropology BachelorApplied Mathematics/Economics (BSc) BachelorArchaeology BachelorArchaeology Bachelor; HonoursBiology/Psychology (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursCommunication Studies BachelorComputer Science/Economics (BSc) BachelorComputer Science/Geography (BSc) BachelorComputer Science/Geography (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursEarth Sciences/Geography (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursEconomics (BA) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursEconomics (BA) BachelorEconomics (BA) Bachelor; Co-opEconomics (BA) Bachelor; HonoursEconomics (BSc) BachelorEconomics (BSc) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursEconomics (BSc) Bachelor; Co-opEconomics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursEconomics/Pure Mathematics (BSc) BachelorEconomics/Statistics BachelorFolklore Bachelor; HonoursFolklore BachelorGender Studies BachelorGeography (BA) BachelorGeography (BA) Bachelor; HonoursGeography (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursGeography (BSc) BachelorLaw and Society BachelorNutrition BachelorNutrition Bachelor; HonoursPolitical Science Bachelor; Co-opPolitical Science Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursPolitical Science Bachelor; HonoursPolitical Science BachelorPsychology (BA) BachelorPsychology (BA) Bachelor; Co-opPsychology (BA) Bachelor; HonoursPsychology (BA) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursPsychology (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursPsychology (BSc) Bachelor; Co-opPsychology (BSc) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursPsychology (BSc) BachelorSociology Bachelor; HonoursSociology Bachelor
Applied Mathematics/Chemistry (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursApplied Mathematics/Physics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursBehavioural Neuroscience BachelorBehavioural Neuroscience Bachelor; HonoursBehavioural Neuroscience Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursBehavioural Neuroscience Bachelor; Co-opBehavioural Neuroscience/Biology (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursBehavioural Neuroscience/Nutrition (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursBiochemistry BachelorBiochemistry Bachelor; HonoursBiochemistry/Behavioural Neuroscience (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursBiochemistry/Cell Biology (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursBiochemistry/Chemistry (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursBiochemistry/Physics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursBiology Bachelor; HonoursBiology BachelorBiology Bachelor; Co-opBiology Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursBiology/Earth Sciences (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursBiology/Psychology (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursBiology/Statistics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursChemistry BachelorChemistry Bachelor; HonoursChemistry (Biological) Bachelor; HonoursChemistry/Earth Sciences (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursChemistry/Physics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursComputer Science/Physics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursComputer Science/Physics (BSc) BachelorEarth Sciences BachelorEarth Sciences Bachelor; HonoursEarth Sciences/Geography (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursEarth Sciences/Physics (BSc) BachelorEarth Sciences/Physics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursEnvironmental Physics Bachelor; HonoursEnvironmental Physics BachelorGeophysics and Physical Oceanography Bachelor; HonoursMarine Biology Bachelor; HonoursMarine Biology BachelorOcean Physics (BSc) BachelorOcean Physics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursOcean Sciences Bachelor; HonoursOcean Sciences BachelorOcean Sciences (Environmental Systems) BachelorPhysics BachelorPhysics Bachelor; Honours
Applied Mathematics BachelorApplied Mathematics Bachelor; HonoursApplied Mathematics/Chemistry (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursApplied Mathematics/Computer Science (BSc) BachelorApplied Mathematics/Economics (BSc) BachelorApplied Mathematics/Physics (BSc) BachelorApplied Mathematics/Physics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursBiology/Statistics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursComputer Science (BA) BachelorComputer Science (BA) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursComputer Science (BA) Bachelor; Co-opComputer Science (BA) Bachelor; HonoursComputer Science (BSc) Bachelor; Co-opComputer Science (BSc) BachelorComputer Science (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursComputer Science (BSc) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursComputer Science (Smart Systems) (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursComputer Science (Software Engineering) (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursComputer Science (Software Engineering) (BSc) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursComputer Science (Visual Computing and Games) (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursComputer Science/Economics (BSc) BachelorComputer Science/Geography (BSc) BachelorComputer Science/Geography (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursComputer Science/Physics (BSc) BachelorComputer Science/Physics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursComputer Science/Pure Mathematics (BSc) BachelorComputer Science/Pure Mathematics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursComputer Science/Statistics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursComputer Science/Statistics (BSc) BachelorEconomics/Pure Mathematics (BSc) BachelorEconomics/Statistics BachelorPure Mathematics (BA) Bachelor; HonoursPure Mathematics (BA) BachelorPure Mathematics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursPure Mathematics (BSc) BachelorPure Mathematics/Statistics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursStatistics (BA) BachelorStatistics (BA) Bachelor; HonoursStatistics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursStatistics (BSc) Bachelor
Ancient Worlds DiplomaClassics BachelorClassics Bachelor; HonoursCommerce and Arts Joint Degree Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursCreative Writing DiplomaEducation (Primary/Elementary) as a Second Degree - French as a Second Language BachelorEnglish Bachelor; HonoursEnglish BachelorFrench Bachelor; HonoursFrench BachelorGerman BachelorGerman Bachelor; HonoursHistory Bachelor; HonoursHistory BachelorHumanities DiplomaLinguistics BachelorLinguistics Bachelor; HonoursMedieval Studies BachelorMedieval Studies Bachelor; HonoursPhilosophy BachelorPhilosophy Bachelor; HonoursReligious Studies Bachelor; HonoursReligious Studies BachelorRussian BachelorRussian Bachelor; HonoursSpanish BachelorSpanish Bachelor; Honours
Human Kinetics and Recreation Bachelor; Co-opHuman Kinetics and Recreation - Community recreation pathway Bachelor; Co-opHuman Kinetics and Recreation - Health promotion pathway Bachelor; Co-opHuman Kinetics and Recreation - Kinesiology pathway Bachelor; Co-opHuman Kinetics and Recreation - Therapeutic recreation pathway Bachelor; Co-opKinesiology BachelorKinesiology Bachelor; Co-opNursing (Collaborative Fast-track) BachelorNursing (Collaborative) BachelorNursing (Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Bridging option) BachelorRecreation BachelorRecreation Bachelor; Co-op
Adult Learning and Post-Secondary Education Diploma; OnlineEducation (Intermediate/Secondary) BachelorEducation (Intermediate/Secondary) Conjoint with the Diploma in Technology Education BachelorEducation (Post-Secondary as First Degree) BachelorEducation (Post-Secondary as Second Degree) Bachelor; OnlineEducation (Primary/Elementary) BachelorEducation (Primary/Elementary) as a Second Degree BachelorEducation (Primary/Elementary) as a Second Degree - French as a Second Language BachelorMusic Education as a Second Degree BachelorPhysical Education BachelorPhysical Education Bachelor; Co-opSpecial Education Bachelor
Civil Engineering Bachelor; Co-opComputer Engineering Bachelor; Co-opComputer Science (Software Engineering) (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursComputer Science (Software Engineering) (BSc) Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursElectrical Engineering Bachelor; Co-opMechanical Engineering Bachelor; Co-opOcean and Naval Architectural Engineering Bachelor; Co-opOcean Physics (BSc) BachelorOcean Physics (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursOcean Sciences (Environmental Systems) BachelorProcess Engineering Bachelor; Co-op
Business Administration Bachelor; OnlineBusiness Administration Bachelor; HonoursBusiness Administration (St. John's Campus) BachelorBusiness Administration and Music Joint Degree Bachelor; HonoursCommerce Bachelor; Co-opCommerce Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursCommerce and Arts Joint Degree Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursSocial Work (First Degree) Bachelor; Co-opSocial Work (Second Degree) Bachelor; Co-op
Business Administration and Music Joint Degree Bachelor; HonoursCommerce and Arts Joint Degree Bachelor; Co-op; HonoursComputer Science (Visual Computing and Games) (BSc) Bachelor; HonoursMusic (BMus) BachelorMusic (BMus) Bachelor; HonoursStage and Screen Technique Diploma
Environmental Humanities DiplomaEnvironmental Physics BachelorEnvironmental Physics Bachelor; Honours
Police Studies BachelorPolice Studies Diploma
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