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 Health Sciences - Community and Population Health - Aboriginal and Rural Health
SchoolUniversity of Northern British Columbia
LocationPrince George, BC, Canada
School TypeUniversity
School SizeFull-time Undergraduate: 3,068
Full-time Graduate: 850
Length4 Year(s)
Entry Grade (%)*70% to 100%
  •  Grade11 Precalculus 
  •  Grade11 Chemistry 
  •  Grade12 Biology 
  •  Grade12 English 
Prerequisites Notes
International: $26,750
DescriptionThe Bachelor of Health Sciences degree is a four-year program consisting of a range of courses that relate directly to the science of health, in the recognition that health is a complex entity defying a simple explanation or a single disciplinary perspective. The courses identified within the School of Health Sciences offer learning opportunities from a variety of disciplines, including the life sciences, social sciences, behavioural sciences, and ethics and law, to enable students to develop a body of knowledge and understanding relating to the dimensions of health. Some of these courses are considered to be ‘core’ and therefore central to the basic understandings of health, while others offer the student opportunities to learn about a specific health perspective that is focused on one of three Majors:

i) Biomedical Studies,
ii) Community and Population Health-Environmental Health, or,
iii) Community and Population Health-Aboriginal and Rural Health.

Graduation from either of the Community and Population Health Majors enables students to embark on careers or graduate programs related to health care management, administration, information systems or public health.

Students pursuing the Biomedical Studies Major are required to complete a set of courses that enables them to be prepared for application to professional programs such as medicine, nursing, pharmacy, occupational therapy, dentistry, speech pathology or physiotherapy. This major provides a foundational, multidisciplinary knowledge base that is focused on the natural, physical, and social sciences, and includes population health and research methodology. Students interested in other fields requiring extensive biomedical laboratory skill smay enroll in the degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BCMB).
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*We make every attempt to provide accurate information on prerequisites, programs, and tuition. However, this information is subject to change without notice and we highly recommend that you contact the school to confirm important information before applying.