The Department offers programs leading to the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. The fields in which advanced study may be pursued include ethics; social and political philosophy; aesthetics; feminist philosophy; logic; decision theory; philosophy of science, including philosophy of physics, biology, and cognitive science; epistemology; philosophy of language; philosophy of mind; metaphysics; ancient philosophy; modern philosophy from the 17th to the 20th century; and contemporary European and Anglo-American philosophy. Inquiries concerning possible subjects for research should be directed to the Graduate Coordinator.
The Department is prominent in regional, national and international philosophical communities. Faculty and students participate regularly in the annual meetings of the Canadian and Western Canadian Philosophical Associations and of the various Divisions of the American Philosophical Association, as well as in the meetings of many other conferences and associations. In recent years, the Department has hosted the congresses of the Western Canadian Philosophical Association, of the Society for Exact Philosophy, and of the Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy, as well as organizing several conferences on specific themes. Department members serve as officers and committee members of several philosophical associations, such as the Pacific APA, and as journal editors for publications including the Canadian Journal of Philosophy.