School's out: Let the job search begin

Modified on November 01, 2006
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Just as university and college students are handing in their final assignments and writing exams,, Canada's biggest job site for students and recent graduates, is offering tips to students to improve their chances of success in finding the right job.

"Whether about to graduate or looking for a summer position, finding the right job can be challenging for anyone," said Patrick Sullivan, President Workopolis. "Students can increase their odds of success by taking time at the beginning of their job hunt to think about what they want and then preparing everything they need to get it."

The starting point
The job search process should begin with understanding what kind of positions are a good fit for the student job seeker. recommends that students start with an assessment through their campus career centre, which typically remains open throughout the summer months. This assessment will help them understand their strengths and weaknesses, as well as be aware of the types of jobs that are likely to be a good match. From there, students can go to Internet recruitment Web sites to look for postings. currently has more than 8,700 jobs available.

Getting a sense of direction
Once a student has a sense of direction, they can begin looking for the right job. Students should examine which industries are hiring, and which positions are plentiful within these industries.

"When looking for work, students should examine the marketplace for job types that are plentiful, such as sales positions," added Sullivan. "They should also keep in mind that many positions, such as sales exist in a wide range of job sectors. They should aim at growing sectors such as technology or insurance." Before résumés are sent to even one potential employer, they need to be polished and professional. Student job seekers can visit the Resource Centre at to review résumé styles and formats. In their résumés, students should clearly state their career objectives as well as the particular job position they are seeking. They should also customize their résumé and cover letter to each job posting so the appropriate skills are emphasized, and also verify they meet all the required qualifications for the job opportunity before applying.

"The résumé and cover letter provide a good opportunity for students to show prospective employers they're keen and have done their homework on the company," added Sullivan. "The best way to do this is to include material that relates directly back to the specific job, the company or the industry."

Though some students may not have any full-time work experience to include in their résumé, recommends students leverage school projects, part time or summer jobs and internships to illustrate skills and accomplishments. Rather than focus solely on work experience, suggests students emphasize the top three skills they've acquired at school or elsewhere.

Résumés and covers letters should be thoroughly proof read for spelling and grammar. Even one error can mean the difference between the circular file and the interview pile.

The job interview – five steps to success:
More than half (51%) of users who applied for a job on were contacted for a job interview. Once an interview has been secured, recommends students take these steps:

1. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Take the time to research and understand the company and the person who is giving the interview. Students should approach their answers from the perspective of the person who is doing the hiring. What would that person be looking for if the roles were reversed? Job seekers need to plan their responses so they cover key information about what they can bring to the job and then rehearse out loud until they feel confident.

2. Attitude will make the difference. You can teach a new employee many things, but the right attitude is not one of them. Many employers are willing to teach skills to new employees if they come through the door with a positive, energetic, "can do" attitude.

3. Ask the right questions. About the position, job responsibilities, company values, etc.

4. Dress for success. Before the interview, the student job seeker should find out company's dress code, and dress a level up from that. It's better to be overdressed than underdressed.

5. Leave a lasting impression. Job seekers should send a thank you note after each interview. It's an opportunity to thank the interviewer for their time, and one last chance to express interest in the position, and reinforce why you're the right person for it.

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