3 Things to Know before Going into an Interview

Modified on January 07, 2015
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There are a couple social norms and adequacies that are special to the Canadian culture. When coming into a job interview it may be a good idea to keep in mind a few of these. Here are three really simple things you should always make sure to take into account:

  1. Hand Shake.
    Make sure to shake your interviewers hand when you get there to initiate the meeting. A firm handshake says a lot about a person. Be sure to shake with your right hand. Once you are done the interview it is important to shake their hand again to signify gratitude for interviewing you
  2. Take off your jacket.
    Make sure to take off your jacket when you walk into the office. You don’t want to keep it on as it shows a feeling of urgency to leave. By taking off your jacket you are able to showcase your attire as well as show a feeling of comfort where you are able to be yourself.
  3. Manners.
    Make sure you use please, thank you’s and you’re welcomes. The mannerism of a possible employee shows that you would be a good representation of a company.
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