Types of Jobs You May Encounter as a Student in Canada

Modified on January 07, 2015
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A look at student jobs


As a student it’s a good idea to have a balanced lifestyle. One way you can do that is to get a student job. Jobs range in types. Student jobs is a great way to get a break from your studies, meet new people and make a little money. Here are a couple types of jobs you may want to take part in:

Most institutions will have an athletic department. This is where you’ll find the fitness centre, varsity, intermural sports and any other recreations. You can get a job in any of these different parts of campus

The Student’s Union: This is a great place for you to combine your personal interests with a part-time job. The Student Union runs every aspect of student life from clubs, to health plans, help desks and student events. Find out if there are any ways you can get involved as a part time employee.

Student Leadership:
There are often many positions for students to get involved in a student leadership centre. This is a place where institutions encourage the initiative of students to take control and give back to the student body as leaders of the community

Retail Jobs:
Around the campus there are often malls, shops, stores that students can easily pick up a part-time job at. Keep in mind that when you are working off-campus organization and scheduling is on you. Don’t expect your manager to know your class and exam schedules at all times.

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